A good infrastructure reduces labor hours plain and simple. Most labor can be swapped for infrastructure.
-Water displacement is important for root colonization.
-Soil shape structures canopy growth.
-Soil structure shapes water and air ratio.
-Light quality provides a backdrop for calyx swell.
-Wind speed controls water wicking.
Fertilizer also can reduce labor hours.
-Nutrient can be used to shape canopy instead of hands.
-Nutrient can hold thick flowers up as an alternative to trellis net.
-Automation can also be free.
Farm techniques reduce labor. Stay ahead of your crop will always help.
Granted, not all labor can be eliminated with infrastructure and fertilizer. FONSAG has created multiple farming platforms that can be assembled to suit a spectrum of growing techniques. Harvesting and planting can be semi-automated. Mechanics such as rail systems, robot, tractor attachments, etc. FONSAG FERTILIZERS uniquely encourages automation. FONSAG AUTOMATION CONTINUING DEVELOPMENT program is committed to Non-Operation Space Canpy (NOSC) infrastructure for farmers. These systems remove the human element from under the grow canopy space. (See Full Farm Kits).
We as farmers must carefully craft automation to encourage problem free growing. Each farm must be customized to its production needs.
When considering automated processes, guidelines include:
-Total Cost of Production.
-Labor Costs Per Sq'.
-Initial Build Out Budget.
A runner does not take more steps needed to reach the finish line. Nor does a farmer. Requirements vary greatly when choosing between:
-A grade flower
-Full SpectrumOil
-Fiber for Textile Industrial Applications
FONSAG INFASTRUCTER DESIGNS are built to suit, building confidence in fertilizer and infrastructure decisions!
Light deprivation: Light deprivation is used to reduce plant development cycle of full term genetics. There are many light deprivation options on the market. It is common for low budget operations to tarp pull (black out) over classic hoop house structures. Alternately, tarp pulling can be replaced with an automated system. The 12hr/12hr light cycle can be performed in a number of ways. Reducing afternoon light is helpful when evening sun already naturally blocked out. Reducing morning light is useful for the later. It is a challenge when the sun is direct morning to night. In these circumstances you must cool down the blackout. Use climate controlled greenhouses or run ventilation into blackout zones. Blackout only to terminate necessary light hours for your 12hr/12hr. Try not to use blackout more than needed. Open tarps at night and let plants breathe.
Day neutral: These plants are biologically designed to reach a determined height and flower. These varieties are considered low in quality. Most often, day neutral plants come from seed stock, not clone. They usually contain early flowering traits imprinted from low THC ruderalis cross breeding. Make sure your early girl seeds are tried and true. More often than not, day neutral genetics are unstable and unsatisfactory. Early girl clones are rare, not impossible. Ask around.
Late season full term: When light deprivation is not an option, it is wise to wait the the season out and run late season full term plants. Timing is everything. Your plants must grow up, fill canopy, and transition into flower the natural light cycle. Small plants, short spacing, and a late start, is the NEW late term planting. Late season planting occurs between July 20th- August 5th. Common plant spacing ranges between 2-4ft.
Soil Shape: The shape of soil constructs plant development. Root mass conforms to soil form (saturated). In effect, the plant is shaped. Yes, the plant mirrors its roots. If the soil is deep, the roots will travel down and branches up. An ideal sea of green canopy is produced when soil coverage matches projected canopy coverage. It’s imperative to allow root and canopy to mimic each other. Soil depth is less important and often misused. The upper 4 inches of the soil contains high concentrations of air. This air concentration provides the necessary environment for roots to feed on nutrient, aka feeder roots. This top area is commonly known as the feeder zone. FONSAG suggests 4 inches as an ideal depth for growing. Production and quality increases when you force 100% root development within the feed zone. This trains plants to only develop feeder roots. Deep soil does not produce high yields. Only high plants. FONSAG suggests using filter fabric as an underlayment for your soil.
Soil Formulation: Ideal air to water ratio at maximum soil saturation is soil done right. Increased oxygen levels are crucial for healthy roots. When there is a possibility to over water, I guarantee it’s gonna happen. So lets make it impossible. A soil structured appropriately is almost dummy proof. A soil structured poorly can cause problems for even the best of growers. A great soil has the ability to be watered anytime. Like a hydro system. Quality washed coir fiber is what we recommend. Add 10% by volume drain rock and 5% by volume compost. This will give you a soil perfect at full saturation.
Root Feed Irrigation: All water system design should include a fertilizer injection or a feed tank system. Irrigation is most effectively used in fertilizer transfer. Fertilizing plants through feed water is easy, safe, and effective. Water placement and consistency is crucial for root colonization. As mentioned above, root mass projects its image across the development of the plant. Moist soil shapes root mass. Drip irrigation provides a tear drop shape of moisture whereas spray systems penetrate soil from the top down. A drip system is necessary even in spray system designs. The spray system can be used in vegetative and transitional flowering stages. Spray system is replaced by drip for late flower (when buds cant get wet). A spray system tends to promote faster canopy production. The soil surface holds oxygen needed for nutrient uptake. Top down irrigation controls saturation shape, i.e. root shape. FONSAG tests show top down irrigation produces high yields and fast canopy spread. Soil saturation can also be shaped using a combination of drip and filter fabric. Place filter fabric as an underlayment for potting soil. The teardrop saturation shape produced by drip is deflected by fabric under layer. The water will pool on fabric. This pooling produces horizontal water movement. This will emit a connective layer of water under the soil. Coir fiber soil with a 4 inch depth will water wick up and out providing full surface saturation.
Foliar Feed Irrigation: Foliar feed spray system can either be plumbed in to waterline with permanent fixtures, carried by a rail system, tractor spray, or the standard backpack sprayer. Small plants can be fed 100% foliar throughout the vegetative and transitional stage of plant development. This encourages plant vitality and structural integrity needed for success. Atomized electrostatic spray is ideal. Foggers work well too. Small particulates allow deeper penetration. There are many uses for foliar feeding. It is primarily used for canopy training, cleaning out pests and molds, dehydrating saturated soil, and as mentioned above, manipulating plant structure. A foliar system is always underestimated and rarely utilized. Yet it is the most effect method to achieve plant control and consistent production yields.
Plant Spacing: 2.5-3 foot spacing is great. Yes plant spacing is a much apart of your infrastructure as anything. Plant spacing controls plant size and production speed. The growth and flower habits of each genetic will slightly alter plant space requirements. In the growth period, your canopy must hold an ideal number of flower sites per square foot. A sparse canopy will lower yield. An overgrowth of flower heads will diminished both yield and quality. Plant spacing is foundational measurements for canopy fulfillment within a timeframe.
Plant Height: Another equally important measurement is to keep vertical height under 4 ft; unless you enjoy pruning understory for no apparent reason. Ideal plant height for automation is 3.5 feet. Small plants have strong immune systems and larger production potentials. Plant height is everything. Flower quality is maximized at the tops of the plant. Quality diminishes in the lower levels of the plant. Pruning inner story biomass in the late season can drive you crazy. Flower quality diminishes deeper into the plants canopy. Pruning also takes time, which becomes ridiculous at scale. Production and quality is easily achieved without pruning. Ideal plant height produces quality bud from top to bottom. If the plant gets too tall, B grade flower is produced in the lower levels of the plant.
Light Quality: FONSAG advises diffused light from greenhouse plastic or fabric. Outdoor light should mimic indoor light; soft but intense. Producing an ideal light situation is more difficult at scale. Greenhouses are the preferred method. A low ceiling height benefits plants by increasing light intensity. A low ceiling height also negatively increases temperature. Small 6-8ft tall hoop houses work well. If you’re looking for the ideal light it won't come easy. For the very best light possible, you will need to venture into the delicacy of frost protection fabric. Be warned, scaling fabric is not for the faint of heart. Its a delicate endeavor to say the least.
90% light transmitting frost fabric set 6 inches above a 3.5 foot flower canopy…
Soft and intense light is the ticket. No one can argue sun grown weed is good, but we all know it’s not the best. Direct sun light is too intense and burns the delicate cannabis flower. A loss of smell, crystal, and calyx size is caused by direct light. Greenhouse growing moves in the right direction. Crystal gets better, holds fragrance, and produces larger calyx. This is the effect from soft light emitted from plastic greenhouse covering. Indoor growing further increases flower quality. Indoor light is soft and yet intense, whereas greenhouse light is just soft. The obvious question is, how do we soften the sun without loosing its intensity. High intensity lumens are found present directly under greenhouse plastic. Intense and soft. Lumens drop exponentially when canopy is further away from plastic. Standard high ceiling greenhouse designs can loose up to 80% potential lumens. The distance between plastic and canopy kills it. Unfortunately, the simple solution doesn’t work. As you lower greenhouse plastic toward the canopy, air flow decreases and it becomes too difficult to control air quality; flow, temp, and humidity. The solution is in breathable materials. Try 90% light transmitting frost protection fabric placed directly over the flower sites. Not only will it produce soft light but intense with lumens. Breathable fabric allows air flow to occur directly under its surface. Use monofilament cable to suspend fabric roof structure. Fabric growing is not for everybody. It requires seasonal suffering if done improperly.
Atmospheric Conditions: Outdoor growing is simple. Allow nature to influence and control climate. Block wind and diffuse direct sunlight. Incorporate hoop houses with custom air gaps specific to your high and low temps. Integrate mother nature into your design. Add fans if more air flow is needed. Use a hoop design or flat cable fabric design. Fabric requires no fans or mechanics. High plastic hoops do not require fans either. An ideal atmospheric contidition
Large plants are not ideal, but sometimes human law requires it. You may need to consider large plants if you grow in a State enforced by plant count as opposed to canopy footprint. In these States you will need to grow the biggest plants possible without quality or production loss.
Genetics: It is imperative to choose bomb genetics in a competitive marketplace. Unfortunately, some of the best genetics inherently have low yield. New varieties are slowly evolving wherein production and quality are married. Choosing excellent genetics is imperative to your success. If you are cultivating a variety with low production potential you may consider the following: Take 3-4 young clones and place them closely together in a container. Wrap bottom of the stocks together using a flexible bandage. Continue to keep plant close to one another while they grow up. The plants will compete for light and extend. . Growth habit of the plants will accelerate. Allow them to continue vertical development until your height equates to your desired horizontal spread. Pull plants down in opposing directions. The stocks of the plants will grow an outer cambium layer to appear as a single plant. Your genetic production potential will increase 3-4 fold.
Soil Shape: Big plants or small plants are no different. Soil depth is not as important as soil spread. The shape of the soil shapes your plant. If the soil is too deep, the roots will travel down while the branches travel up. Envision your branches as a set of highways between root and flower. This matrix of highways is a roadmap for nutrient transfer. Gravity is weighing down ability for nutrient transfer. The roads must be designed short and sweet for quick transport. Plant spread must also fill projected canopy. FONSAG recommends 4-6 inch soil depth even for large plants. This will encourage 6 ft maximum height. Match soil coverage and projected canopy coverage. That is, make a mirror image with plant and root. It’s imperative to allow roots and canopy to grow horizontally together. Production and quality increases when you force 100% root development within that feeder zone. Deep soil does not equate to higher yields. Production values decreased with increased soil depth, because the plant grows too tall for its own good. Remember that you are building a canopy footprint with the least amount of highway miles from root to flower. Use filter fabric as an underlayment for your soil.
Soil Formulation: Ideal air to water ratio at maximum soil saturation provides unparalleled nutrient transfer. Increased oxygen levels make healthy roots ideal for A-Grade production. Your soil is your engine for transportation. Oxygen provides speed of transport. Like a hydro system. Quality washed coir fiber is the best substrate. Add 10% by volume drain rock and 5% by volume compost to a coir fiber base. This will give you a soil perfect at full saturation. This is key for your success.
Root Feed Irrigation: All water system design should include a fertilizer injection or a feed tank system. Fertilizing plants through feed water is easy, safe, and effective. FONSAG suggests a spray system for full soil coverage. Large plants will stretch above designated spray zone. Large plants are not easily effected by overspray and thrive with a top down watering system. The key to a successful spray system is even coverage. Roots will not grow well in dry soil.
​Foliar Feed Irrigation: Foliar feed spray system can either be plumbed in to waterline with permanent fixtures, carried by a rail system for greenhouses, or a boom spray tractor for field. Large plants require training. Foliar spray can be used to condition a plant using water weight. Due diligence is required for wet training but can be very effective when automated. There are many uses for foliar feeding. It is primarily used for manipulating plant structures, cleaning out pests and molds, dehydrating saturated soil, and as mentioned above, canopy training. A foliar system is always underestimated and rarely utilized. Yet it is the most effective method to achieve plant control.
Plant spacing: Tall plants produce understory. Understory is unwanted canopy. It doesn’t produce A-Grade flower. If it is unattended, the lower canopy will shade light and stagnate airflow. At best, plant understory will dilute your product with B-Grade buds. Worst case, disease from aerobic conditions. FONSAG suggests short plants under 6-7 feet in height and as wide as you can grow them. Your plant spacing can be whatever the plant growth potential is in your region. At perfect climatic conditions, plant spacing can reach 20 feet. 3-5 pound plants need 8 ft spacing. 5-8 pound plants need 12 foot spacing. 8-12 pound plants need 15 ft spacing. 12-20 pound plants need 18-20 foot spacing.
Plant support:
Large plants need trellising. A live plant will weigh around 10 times more than its dried flower. An acre canopy can weigh up to 40,000 pounds. When canopy reaches above 6 feet in height, serious support is needed. There are a number of trellis options to consider:
Standard support for large plants consists of 6” by 6” 10 gauge grid wire shaped into cylindrical cage wrapped around plant canopy. Large plants require 2 cages. One set in the plants inner region and one in the outer. The inner cage supports branches on main stock, while outer holds secondary branch flower weight. The problem with this standard support technique is the manual labor requirements that go with it. Encasing a plant in grid wire isn’t scalable. All garden work becomes manual. There is no possibility for automation.
Horizontal trellis net has become a popular method. The netting grid is placed above the projected flower canopy. Flower sites extend through grid pattern for individual flower head support. A sea of green canopy is best suited for grid net. Automation is also limited with this technique. Harvest can be mechanized, but grid net is thrown away and replaced with each production cycle. The netting gets tangled up inside the plant and makes harvest and post harvest work difficult.
Rigid horizontal 6” by 6” 10 gauge grid wire is the best of both worlds. It’s strong enough to become a permanent fixture in your production, doesn’t get tangled, and can be utilized during harvest. Mechanically harvest flower heads to lay across grid. Remove grid panels from garden and forklift into processing shed.
Light Quality:
FONSAG advises diffused light from greenhouse plastic or fabric. Outdoor light must mimic indoor light; soft and intense. Producing this ideal situation is more difficult than first expected. My first suggestion to any farmer is greenhouses preferably with a low ceiling height. It is easy to work with. Although, if you’r an idealist and wish the very best light possible, you can venture into the delicacy of frost fabric. Be warned, scaling fabric is not for the faint of heart. Soft light quality is only necessary in the transition and flower stages of plant development. It is the pistol, calyx, and crystal that burns under direct light. You have two options when growing A-Grade flower on large plants.
1.- In a greenhouse or hoop house. Preferably with low ceiling height.
2.- Outdoors with a late term flower fabric install. Protect flower production with diffused light.
Atmospheric Conditions: Climate is always considered important. Greenhouse growing requires climate control. Make sure to control atmospheric functions within your greenhouse and indoor designs. It’s very important.
If you can’t afford greenhouses, then allow nature to influence and control climate. Diffuse direct sunlight with fabric. Don’t attempt to grow A grade flower in direct light. If you think you have, think twice. Incorporate frost protection fabric with custom air gaps specific to your high and low temps. That’s it. Use a hoop design or flat frame/cable design. This type of system requires no fans or mechanics. A breathable fabric roof provides the majority of air flow. You can integrate mother nature into your design.
Indoor growing can be grown in many ways. Over the years many advancement have been made. FONSAG contributes fertilizer strategy, but no new infrastructure changes. FONSAG uses indoor technology as a model of A grade outdoor production. Indoor infrastructure produces ideal climate for cannabis. FONSAG looks at indoor as an iconic role model for outdoor growing potentials. If you need additional advice for indoor, consult your local grow store, ask around, or study online. FONSAG encourages beginners to grow in a soilless soil media such as coco fiber. Buffer the coir fiber with castings or high grade compost. Increase drainage using lava rock. Use a recirculating feed system. Shorten plant spacing to speed production rate. See FONSAG feed schedule for more assistance.
Farming for oil & terpene production is complicated. The cost of production has to be low. Begin with natural soil and water. Standard agricultural techniques must be used to remediate mineral and structural deficiencies on the field. Get a water and soil test to understand you starting point. Source local commodities when available. See FONSAG feed schedule for more assistance.
Genetics: Whether you’r growing cannabis or hemp, choosing your genetics will value or devalue your entire operation more than any other decision made. If oil is your production goal, find a tried and true genetic with high oil content. You will want find the traits that best suits the end goal. A strain can be sensitive to mold and disease. Sensitive to branch breaking. Each strain will be an ideal flower head count per square foot. Go see a professional indoor grow that is running and about to harvest your strain. This will give you an end goal. Genetics holds various traits, strengths, and weaknesses. Learn them well. Knowing them will become a seasonal guide for plant and stage specific goals.
Soil Shape: Native soil should be shaped into furrows. Poor drained soil requires a higher raise to reduce over saturation. There is little to no work needed for well drained soil. Measure furrow spacing to match plant spacing. Plant on raised portion of the bed.
Soil Formation: Native soil can be remediated using an assortment of amendments. Get a soil report to better understand the soil structure you are working with. Sandy loam soil with high organic matter is preferable.
Root Feed Irrigation: Drip irrigation is the preferable choice for native soil. It is affordable and works well. A secondary spray system can be installed to promote faster vegetative growth. A spray system can also help train plants using water weight. Water weight will strengthen and thicken main stalk and side branches. This will inevitably form a plant structure with higher productive values. Spray systems must be shut down by the end of transitional stage; third week of flower.
Foliar Feed Irrigation: Foliar feed spray system can either be plumbed in to waterline with permanent fixtures, or fixed to a boom spray tractor. Large plants require training. As a method of training, foliar spray can be used to condition a plant by holding water weight. Due diligence is required for wet training but can be very effective for large plants. There are many uses for foliar feeding. It is primarily used for manipulating plant structures, cleaning out pests and molds, dehydrating saturated soil, and as mentioned above, canopy training. A foliar system is always underestimated and rarely utilized. Yet it is the most effective method to achieve plant control. All water system design should include a fertilizer injection or a feed tank system. Fertilizing plants through feed water is easy, safe, and effective.
Plant spacing: Each strain has its own specific plant space limitations. Auto flowering plants have closer spacing than a late term. The general rule for planting is no further apart than 4 feet. Any further than that and you loose plant to plant support. Trellising is not a viable option.
Plant height: Ideal plant height is 4-5 feet. This will allow room for top kolas followed by a healthy understory of buds. Flower formation should be sacrificed slightly for production. Allow canopy to over grow a bit. This will provide open flower structures rather than tight compact buds.
Plant support: Open field farming does not require support other than plant to plant contact. This is the most affordable option.
Light quality: Direct sunlight is not ideal, but for reasons of scalability, it may be the best choice. This will be a judgement call. If your production value is high, you may want to consider hoop or greenhouse installation. If low, it will not make sense. Measure both production values.
Atmospheric conditions: Your natural climate will dictate quality and production. Most cannabis and hemp varieties will thrive in hot and dry climates. Regions with high humidity will become susceptible to mold and mildew. Temperate climates may have low lumen potential. The only way to truly alter atmospheric condition is with greenhouses and climate control.
Outdoor fiber and seed production requires little to no infrastructure. Fiber and oil can be produced with a wide range of soil qualities. Fiber can be grown for ethanol or textile. Seed can be grown for oil or biofuel. Planting for textile requires close spacing to promote straight fibers. Fiber grown for ethanol does not. Planting can be spaced out further when growing seed for biodiesel or oil. Most farmers are now farming for dual purposes. FONSAG suggests close plant spacing for dual farming.
Dual production requires around 20-40 pounds of seed per acre. Plants should be spaced 4-6 inches apart. Fiber farming is a tightly spaced crop and does not allow room for branching. The hemp plants will grow vertically with a singe main stock. Tight quarters promotes upward growth. This growth produces fiber with a longitude line; straight fiber. If the plants are spaced too far apart, fiber is reduced to a technical grade; cross hatched. In the past, hemp fiber has been harvested at full maturity. The female plant matures more quickly. A light yellowing of bottom leaves become a sign of readiness. It is important to wait for seed to mature without damaging the integrity of fiber. FONSAG late term fertilizing will help with this.
Genetics: Hemp fiber breeds typically have sativa dominate attributes. Farming fiber requires vertical growth and stalk girth. Many farmers chose yellow stalk hemp varieties for its strong fiber. An important genetic attribute is acclamation. Fiber varieties are chosen for their long growing cycle. Seed varieties develop more quickly. Select and fiber variety if you are growing for the dual purpose of bio diesel and ethanol. Choose a variety that grows well in your geographical region.
Soil Preparation: Native soil should be tilled and ripped for optimal drainage. Poor drained soil exhibits slow growth habits. Your plant will be shaped by its roots. Rip field at a 3-4ft depth. Provide deeper feedings with delayed intervals to guide your tap root downward. This will promote increased vertical growth speed. There is little to no work needed for well drained soil. Controlling saturation depth will be sufficient.
Soil Conditioning: Native soil can be remediated using an assortment of amendments. Get a soil report to better understand the soil structure you are working with. Sandy loam soil with high organic matter is preferable.Provide soil conditioners and amendments to move closer to the ideal soil structure.
Historically, dry farming hemp fiber was the preferable choice for production. Dry farming is possible in mediterranean and tropical climates where sufficient summertime rain fall occurs. Dry farming uses soil amendment fertilizers and slow release top dress applications. Dry farming fertilizer release is controlled by rainfall.
Drip irrigation is the preferred choice for intensive production. It provides water fed nutrient delivery. Nutrient injection is precise and cost effective.
Drip irrigation allows nutrient and water delivery to the plant on an as need basis.
An alternate option is overhead. Overhead spray systems have the ability to apply water or feed water to your plants using a top down approach. This technique promotes fast vegetative development. This system has dual purpose of foliar and root feeding. Top down spray systems also give control over soil saturation depth. Spray systems should shut down by the end of transitional stage; third week of flower. Last watering should saturate deep enough to dry farm final stages.
Plant spacing: FONSAG estimates plant spacing at 6 inches for irrigated fields and 4 inches for dry farmed fields. Genetics will provide further insight on optimal spacing. Consult your genetic provider.
Plant height: Your goal is vertical growth. Genetics will determine growth potential. Plant height can range from 6-16ft. The shape of your plants will mirror root development. Deep roots will promote taller plants. Soil structure and saturation depth will be underlying factors of plant height.
Plant support: Hemp fiber farming does not require support other than plant to plant contact.
Light quality: Direct sunlight is the only method of choice. Hemp fiber plants thrive in high temperature climates.
Atmospheric conditions: Your natural climate will dictate quality and production. Most fiber varieties thrive in hot and dry climates. Regions with high humidity will become susceptible to mold and mildew. Temperate climates may have low lumen potential. There is no way to control conditions. Nutrient can be used to strengthen plant from poor conditions.