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Because all molecules are organic by nature, it is only the structure of these molecules that can be considered synthetic. Synthetic or organic, the environment cares not by these definitions, but merely by their effect on it.  


Voting for the best of two evils? Synthetic and organic fertilizer equally display negative impacts on the environment. They both can cause salt lock toxicity. They contaminate ground water and disturb water life. Synthetic and organic also gas off effecting ozone. 70% of fertilizer inputs applied to agriculture are LOST from these occurrences. FONSAG patented process formulates fertilizer protected from environmental loss. Synthetic and organic are not polar definitions. Protected and unprotected are.

As farmers, we must understand and continually learn the needs of our crop. Each year we learn ways to increase production and quality.  As any good farmer knows, this is easier said than done. 

Sometimes when a problem plagues the public eye, it becomes written in stone as a part of the inevitable foundation of things… never occurring to anyone that there is a problem which may own its solution...

when it comes to fertilizer, FONSAG is that solution!

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Industry Foundations: Guidelines:

Global fertilizer sales rose above 200.5 million tons in the year 2018, 25 percent higher than recorded in 2008. World fertilizer consumption grew by 1.8 percent a year from 2008 through 2018. The global capacity for fertilizer products, stimulants and raw materials will increase further. The global potential balance - a term measuring the amount available over actual demand - will grow for nitrogen, phosphate and potash. Global use of nitrogen grew 1.4 percent each year through 2018, while phosphate increased 2.2 percent while was up potash 2.6 percent. In comparison, the supply of these three critical components  grew by 3.7 percent, 2.7 percent and 4.2 percent per annum, respectively.

Legal Introduction: Definition/Law:

Fertilizer grade is an expression referring to the legal guarantee of the plant nutrient present expressed as a percentage by weight in a fertilizer. There is an understanding in the scientific community that all nutrient compounds own a nutrient value determined by its nutrient weight in regards to the total weight and that nutrient percentage cannot be altered unless the weight of the total is comparatively deduced. Grade value is determined as “percentage by weight” which guarantees a compound to only own a single value. That value can be refined until its total is 100% available or water soluble, but the total value itself can never be increased without weight reduction. This can be witnessed when assessing equivalent grade values presented competing fertilizer companies. Fertilizer compounds carried by all, all have the same grade values, no higher, no lower. 

FONSAG Introduction: Breaking The Law:

The law/definition of grade value is flawed or the instrumentation for testing is inaccurate. For the past 20 years FONSAG’S founding member has increased grade value without a loss in final weight. Mr. Wilder's tests cover a large array of nutrient compounds all of which have shown clear results performing grade value increase at varying degrees. This phenomena is an effect of the process, and not intended as the main attribute of the creation. It later became highly important attribute for understanding its functionality and capabilities.

Patent Benefits: Agricultural Resolutions:

The FONSAG process was first developed to demonstrate augmentation of nutrient through colloidal micelle. FONSAG process is living proof that it is possible to protect nutrient from leaching, salt lock, and gassing. Resolving these environmental occurrences for agriculture is the foundation for FONSAG research. Agricultural fertilizer is a multi-billion dollar industry, which of, approximately 60-70% of all fertilizer applied, is lost to these negative occurrences. Regulatory boards mandate law around fertilizer use because they attribute to environmental impacts. The FONSAG process helps resolve these occurrences. How? Simply put,  FONSAG manufactures repellant charged nutrient structures; resisting hydration, minerals, sunlight, and heat. 

Patent Integration: Key Relationship:

The patent process presents correspondence between increased grade value and increased protection against leaching, locking, and gassing. This relationship will become evident as more companies move forward into nano-augmented nutrient delivery systems. The FONSAG process shows that the size of the micelle and the mill grind are determining factors of the effectiveness. In the FONSAG future, a further increase of grade value and nutrient protection will be attained. FONSAG offers great promise that fertilizer value is not determinate, only structurally limited. The effectiveness of nutrient is not determined by its weight. It’s determined by its size and repelling force.

Patent Protection: Grade Increase = Nutrient Protection:

The patent process uses colloidal micelle to increase grade value of nutrient compounds with or without the final weight changing in the final.  Many companies coat fertilizer with colloidal micelle to form a nutrient delivery effect. This has proved well, but still only holds minimal nutrient protection. The FONSAG process increases grade value. The increase in value indirectly effects nutrient protection. 


Nutrient loves to lock, degrade, leach, and gas uncontrollably once added to soil and water. Organic and chemical fertilizer manufacturers attempt to counteract these issues by using standard chelation methods.  It is standard to chelate using amino acids, formaldehyde derivatives, and covalent bonds. Organic and conventional extraction methods are really no different. Potassium hydroxide extraction; the most popular extraction method for organic input production is one of the most caustic chemicals known to our kind. Who decides what’s organic and what is not. And what about nature? Is it organic? An enormous amount of organic guano sold worldwide comes from caves in Mexico. Bat guano is derived from predigested mosquitos. Mosquitos feed on toxic waist slues located outside Mexico City. What makes this more organic than petrol based. At least petrol base nutrient is derived from composites that nature made when the planet was pure in form; untainted by humans. Both synthetic and organic have issues. 

By any means, organic and synthetic inputs are not opposing methods. We have been fed information that organic is good by nature, and synthetic is toxic by concentration. Synthetic and organic farming practices are in fact very similar. Both practices are performed without proper nutrient sizing, purification, and transfer. Organic and conventional alike, heavily impact the environment. These fertilizers only have a 30% conversion rate. 70% nutritive loss impacts both practices. Nutrient is only as good as its ability to reach your crop. Mode of nutrient transfer within an environment determines nutrients effectiveness. Nutrient reduction, protection, and transfer are the important fertilizer traits. 


FONSAG formulations are manufactured using patented colloidal processing. Colloidal micelle are the work horse behind the FONSAG process. Through the use of nano technology, FONSAG nutrient moves beyond common emulsification, purification, and chelation techniques. 

FONSAG EMULSIFICATION FONSAG emulsification process uses CMC and KRAFT temperatures to hyper activate micelle. Hyper active micelle race around substrate, emulsifying everything in its way. FONSAG combines custom grinding, friction, heat, and light for activation.

FONSAG PURIFICATION occurs after the emulsification process. FONSAG purification process uses the cool down stage in micellar activity. FONSAG reverses the micellar function, driving micelle fatty acid tails into nutrient structures. The bond between nutrient and micelle is strong. FONSAG nutrient is nano encapsulated by this process. The bond develops ellipsoid and spherical shaped chelations. The traits of the micelle are then shared by the nutrient. The nutrient gains a repelling force from both positive and negative charges.  

FONSAG CHELATION can be better understood as a encapsulated nutrient repelling system. The micelle repelling force is inherited by the nutrient. This repelling force protects nutrient from other minerals, heat from sun, and even water. FONSAG nutrient also inherits the art of self assembly; nutrient assembling with equal distribution from itself. FONSAG not only provides nutrient protection, but forms it in layers. Multi layered nano encapsulation, termed as a double ellipsoid structure, provides unbeatable nutrient protection. FONSAG nutrient is structured this way. This provides micelle protection for the nutrient, as well additional micelle to further remediate and release into soil and water. 


We have briefly discussed the importance of nutrient structures and the need for effective plant transfer. We have touched on how nutrient lacking transfer redistributes into the environment. Let us go into detail on FONSAG'S unique proposition.  


Nutrient Technology:

The idea of automated fertilizer has been toyed with. Time release fertilizer, or more accurately defined as coated fertilizer, has become a staple for fertilizer augmentation. This technology uses a water resistant polymer coating to shield water from its inner nutrient core. What is provided is calculated release rates based on expected temps and water usage. The issue here with cannabis farmers, is the lack of control. Nutrient delivery is in the coating and not in the nutrients form. Farmers want more control…and so do the plants.


Water insoluble nutrient is only slightly available to your plant. Its values come available slowly. Availability of insoluble nutrient occurs when biology and other environmental factors react with the nutrient. As it breaks down it becomes soluble, thus available. 


Water soluble nutrient is another option. Soluble nutrient is the preferred method of choice for cannabis farmers. Unlike time release and insoluble nutrient, soluble nutrient is 100% available and allocates dosage to the plant immediately. Soluble nutrient comes with its own problem which farmer have learned to live with. Soluble nutrient is nutrient in its hydrated form. The nutrient is bonded to water molecules. Like an injection, everything soluble effects your plant immediately. Correct dosage is critical when applying this kind of nutrient. In proper allocation results in nutrient burn by over fertilization, or low production and quality rates by under fertilization. Soluble nutrient puts a farmer between a rock and a hard spot. A farmer must calculate feedings to perfection with limited buffer. 

 Soluble nutrient is available nutrient, but is all available nutrient always soluble?

As nutrients become soluble in water it converts to a hydrate form of itself. Like it or not, all nutrient hydrates share one method of transfer; pure injection. To this day, nutrient injection systems are the foundation of all fertilizer product lines; organic and chemical. Be it slow release or full solubility, these fertilizers are uncontrollable, and need us to provide control of proper concentrations. These systems cannot maximize nutritive loads without constant worry of burning. Plant potential is an ungraspable ideal because the plant cannot control its own intake. How well would any of us grow and develop if one could not feed themself. We eat when we are hungry and stop when we are full. 

Sometimes when a problem plagues the public eye, it becomes written in stone as a part of the inevitable foundation of things… never occurring to us that it is a problem…


…which may own a solution; FONSAG.


It is industry standard to manufacture soluble (raw or chelated) and time release (polymer coated or slow release) nutrients, wherein nutrient management becomes OUR responsibility and not the plants.

Say No To Human Regulated Nutrient Systems. Say hello to plant regulated ones.


FONSAG presents the very first nutrient system that allows the PLANT TO MANAGE ITS OWN NUTRIENT LOAD. As a result, we as farmers can finally achieve that ungraspable quality and yield with minimal effort. 

 To understand plant regulated nutrient technology, it is necessary to ask that foundational question; can we give the plant control of its own uptake. 

When nutrient becomes soluble it converts into a nutrient hydrate where it is affected in two major ways:

1) Nutrient starts to degrade, lock, gas, and leach even with the addition of preservatives and chelation; you can’t stop it, you can only slow it down.

2) Nutrient is uncontrollably delivered into the plant; plant receives all nutritive values, good and bad, and at the full concentration available to them.

As industry standard, soluble nutrient and available nutrient is one of the same… but in truth, soluble nutrient is available, but not all available nutrients is soluble. When FONSAG nutrient mixes with water it resists hydration via molecular resistance. FONSAG manufactures non-hydrate forms of 100% available nutrient;  the foundation for plant regulated nutrient systems. 

 This is the very first plant regulated nutrient of its kind. Unlike standard nutrient, FONSAG fertilizers are not nutrient injection systems…

… rather the plant feeds itself by integrating water and nutrient at the site of metabolic transfer. The question would still remain. If force feeding a plant ceased, would the plant have the proper intellect to feed itself? Can this integral process be controlled by plant. FONSAG know so. Nutrient, prochoice, plant managed.


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